Congreso nacional:

Año: 2009, Control de Tráfico Rodado mediante Radares de Alta Resolución en Distancia

Medio de publicación:

Congreso: XXIV Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI 2009). 16-18 septiembre 2009. Santander, Cantabria.

Autores: Álvaro Blanco del Campo; Alberto Asensio López; Javier Gismero Menoyo; Javier Carretero Moya.


This article shows a radar prototype, using millimeter wave-band, for a civil application like road-traffic surveillance. Taking advantage of the new features achieved, mainly wide bandwidth and low data rate storage, new capabilities have been achieved. The big amount of time recorded together with great range resolution, produces a very good velocity precision and, unless the low power transmitted, the system is capable of detecting vehicles far away, becoming invisible for cheap radar detectors which could be mounted on them. Also, another improvement thanks to the range resolution, is the capability of vehicle classification through their size. Discriminating between cars and trucks is more feasible when you can achieve a range resolution of centimeters.

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