Congreso internacional:

Año: 2010, Broadband RF Front-end Based on a Six-port Network Architecture for Software Defined Radio

Medio de publicación:

Congreso: (2010 MILCOM) 2010 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE. San José, CA, USA. 31 octubre-3 noviembre 2010.

Autores: Cristina de la Morena Álvarez Palencia; Mateo Burgos García.


This paper presents a Software Defined Radio (SDR) six-port receiver for a novel broadband mobile communications system. The prototype covers the frequency range from 700 MHz to 6 GHz, and operates with up to 100 MHz-wide channels. We have validated the prototype with several types of modulation schemes at different frequency bands. The six-port receiver has been satisfactory proved for data rates up to 75 Mb/s (limited by the available test instruments). The measured results show good performance of the implemented six-port receiver.

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