Congreso internacional:

Año: 2008, Small-target detection in sea clutter based on the Radon Transform

Medio de publicación:

Congreso: RADAR 2008 Maritime Surveillance, Septiembre 2008, Radar, 2008 International Conference on/ , vol., no., pp.610-615, 2-5 Sept. 2008. Lugar: Australia

Autores: Carretero-Moya, Javier; Gismero-Menoyo, Javier; Asensio-Lopez, Alberto; Blanco-del-Campo, Alvaro


Small target detection in sea clutter is a challenging problem. This paper presents a novel and heuristic approach
based on the application of the Radon Transform to a set of consecutive range profiles. The performance of the detection
technique has been tested with real sea clutter data, acquired with a high resolution CWLFM (continuous wave linear frequency modulated) millimetre-wave radar demonstrator. Results show that performing the detection on the Radon domain makes the detection of very small targets possible while keeping the false alarm rate controlled.

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