Artículo internacional:

Año: 2010, Statistical Analysis of a High-Resolution Sea-Clutter Database

Medio de publicación:

Revista: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Vol. 48. No.4. Pp. 2024-2037. Abril 2010

Autores: Javier Carretero Moya, Javier Gismero Menoyo, Álvaro Blanco del Campo; Alberto Asensio López


This paper presents the statistical analysis of an experimental high-resolution sea-clutter database, collected with a
high-resolution Ka-band radar at the south coast of Spain. The main motivation of this paper has been to check the validity f the available theoretical models for high-resolution sea-clutter against data corresponding to a range resolution of centimeters. The overall amplitude probability density function (pdf), the compatibility with a compound representation, and the average spectral behavior of the data are analyzed in detail. Results clearly show the suitability of the compound Gaussian model and, more precisely, that the empirical pdf is well modeled by the generalized K distribution with log-normal texture. A close agreement has also been found between the estimated clutter spectral density and a power-law model.

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