Artículo internacional:

Año: 2011, Four-Octave Six-Port Receiver and its Calibration for Broadband Communications and Software Defined Radios

Medio de publicación:

Revista: Progress in Electromagnetics Research. Vol. 116, pp. 1-21, ISSN: 1070-4698, E-ISSN: 1559-8985. Fecha: Abril 2011.

Autores: C. de la Morena-Álvarez-Palencia, M. Burgos-García.


This paper presents a software defined radio six-port receiver for a novel broadband mobile Communications system. The
prototype covers the frequency range from 0.3 GHz to 6 GHz, and operates with up to lOOMHz-wide channels. The multi-band and multi-mode demodulation capabilities of the six-port architecture have been experimentally demonstrated. The six-port receiver has been satisfactorily proved for high data rates (up to 93.75 Mb/s, limited by the available test instruments). An efficient six-port autocalibration method suitable for large instantaneous bandwidth systems is presented and validated.

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