Congreso nacional:

Año: 2016, Over-the-Horizon Communications Systems For Uavs Based on Intelligent Antennas.

Medio de publicación:

Congreso: XXXI Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI 2016). Madrid, España. 5-7 septiembre 2016.

Autores: Yawei Mu,  Rodrigo Blázquez García, Jaime Aguareles Palomar, Xiaoliang Sun, Alejandro García Tejero, José Manuel Fernández González, Mateo Burgos García, Manuel Sierra Castañer.


Nowadays, the communication links limit the autonomy of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). In this paper, a multichannel long-range communication link for UAVs with high quality of service, moderate bandwidth and affordable cost is proposed. This link is deployed by using a second UAV as a communications relay and it provides bidirectional coverage for telemetry and telecommand and a high-capacity downlink for video. Our highly compact system can be installed on mediumsized UAVs for air-air links in order to offer greater flight autonomy. This system is based on an active circular array of linearly polarized circular patch antennas which are selectively activated depending on the desired direction of the beam.


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