
Año: 2017, Technological developments for millimeter-wave radars

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Autor: Gorka Rubio Cidre

Director: Jesús Grajal de la Fuente

Fecha de Exposición y Defensa: 23/06/2017


The technological developments in the millimeter-wave band have seen a rapid progress recently, owing to the increasing availability of signal-generation sources and detectors at this band, which offer high bandwidths that are of interest for applications such as spectroscopy, security and radioastronomy. Furthermore, the development of technology at this band is expected to play an important role in the creation of new industrial fields that meet society needs. The millimeter-wave band covers the electromagnetic spectrum from 30 GHz to 300 GHz, which corresponds to the wavelength region from 10 mm to 1 mm. This region is a part of a frontier area between electronics and photonics which demands the development of new circuitry that will be able to handle larger power levels and bandwidths in order to cover this technological gap. While the development of technology is an interesting topic itself, the development of technology is more effective when it is considered within the context of a certain application. The requirements of security, biomedical and earth-and-space remote sensing applications demand innovative solutions for which millimeter-wave band radar technology can yield considerable benefits compared to other technologies. 

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