Congreso internacional:

Año: 2018, Technological developments for a space-borne orbital debris radar at 94 GHz.

Medio de publicación:

Congreso: 2018 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf18), April 23-27, 2018, Oklahoma, USA.

Autores: Mario Ramírez Torres, Marta Ferreras, Clara Hernández, Mariano Barba, Gerardo Pérez Palomino, José A. Encinar, Manuel Sierra Castañer, Jesús Grajal, José Luis Vázquez Roy, Eva Rajo Iglesias.


This paper describes the design and some technological developments for a 94-GHz heterodyne chirp radar prototype
for space debris detection. We use off-the-shelf components for both the signal generation and the acquisition subsystems and W-band GaN solid-state technology for the high-power Tx/Rx modules. Several radiating structures are considered in order to expand the system for monopulse tracking operation.

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