Congreso internacional:

Año: 2017, Implementation of the fully adaptive radar framework: practical limitations

Medio de publicación:

Congreso: 2017 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf). 8-12 May 2017. Seattle, WA, USA  

DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2017.7944305 

Autores: Luis Úbeda Medina; Jesús Grajal de la Fuente


The fully adaptive radar framework aims to take advantage of the available information about the environment in which the system is deployed to improve its performance, typically reducing the uncertainty of the results or optimizing the use of the available resources. In this paper we analyze the performance of this approach when applied to the problem of target tracking with nonlinear range-dependent measurement models in a scenario with resource constraints. Our purpose is to characterize the limitations that arise in these type of scenarios, which should be taken into account when considering the implementation of the fully adaptive radar approach.


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