Congreso internacional:

Año: 2009, Experimental Validation of the Compound Gaussian Sea Clutter Model at Sub-Meter Range Resolution

Medio de publicación:

Congreso: 2009 International Radar Conference "Surveillance for a Safer World" (RADAR 2009). Bordeaux, France. 12-16 Octubre 2009.

Autores Javier Carretero Moya, Javier Gismero Menoyo, Alberto Asensio López, Álvaro Blanco del Campo


Compound models are widely used to describe high resolution radar sea backscatter. In this paper, experimental high resolution sea clutter data is used to assess the validity of the compound Gaussian model for range resolution of centimeters. Results show that the central limit theorem is still applicable to local sea backscatter at very high range resolutions.

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